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[060107] Amateur-to-Amateur DAN HUNTER University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School F. GREGORY LASTOWKA Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - School of Law-Camden William & Mary Law Review, Vol. 46, December 2004 http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=601808 Abstract: Copyright, it is commonly said, matters in society because it encourages the production of socially beneficial, culturally significant..
[051226] J, Cohen: The Situated User The Place of the User in Copyright Law JULIE E. COHEN Georgetown University Law Center http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=814664 The situated user, who engages cultural goods found within the context of her culture through a variety of activities ranging from consumption, communication, self-development to creative play, and whose activities are the vehicle through which copyrigh..
[060808] G. Lastowka: Digital Attribution: Copyright and the Right to Credit Digital Attribution: Copyright and the Right to Credit F. GREGORY LASTOWKA Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey - School of Law-Camden July 14, 2006 http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=917396 디지털 시대에 있어, 저작자에 대한 모티브로 복제(금지), 전송(금지), 2차적 저작물(금지)권과 같은 재산권적 권리의 다발보다 그 인격권적인 측면의 권리화가 요청된다는 내용. 참고로 위 논의는 미국의 copyright 관련 토대에서 이루어지는 것이며 우리 저작권법 및 우리법에 영향을 준 유럽쪽 저작권법제에는 이미 저작재산권 외..
[060419] Yochai Benkler's 網富論(2006) 外 "The Wealth of Networks" exploring how a new form of distributed collaboration is transforming the world economy. KJ님 블로그(http://koreanjurist.com/index.php?id=398) 를 통해 출간소식을 접했습니다. CreativeCommons 라이선스에 따라 저자를 표기해주고, 비상업적 용도로 쓴다는 조건 하에 위 책 전문(500쪽)을 다운받아 읽을 수 있다 합니다. MMOG란 단어는 위 책에 3회 등장합니다. cf) 한편 MMOG 관련 그가 논쟁을 일으킨 종전 글로는 : There Is No Spoon(2004) http://www.yale.edu/lawweb/jbalkin/telecom/yo..
[060308] '06 Second Life 관련 자료 링크 * 'Second Life' Stats Expanded: Early 2006 (by Tony Walsh @Clickable Cutures) http://www.secretlair.com/index.php?/clickableculture/entry/second_life_stats_expanded_early_2006/ * Glimps Inside a Metaverse, The Virtual World of Second Life @2006. 3. 1. 구글 토크: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5182759758975402950&q=%22second+life%22&pr=goog-sl * Web 3.0 by Cory Ondrejka @the O'Reilly Emergi..