엠바고가 사실상 풀린 듯 합니다.
문제의 메이저 퍼블리셔는 '소니 온라인 엔터테인먼트'입니다.
(종래의 현거래 금지 입장에서 180도 전환하였군요. 이는 현거래를 금하던 에버퀘스트1과 달리 스타워즈 갤럭시즈에서 방관적 입장을 취한 것에서 어느 정도 예단되기도 한 것이라는 평이 있기도 합니다. 바틀은 블리자드의 WoW와의 경쟁에서 밀려서 그런 것 아닌가하는 의견을 내고 있습니다만)
'스테이션익스체인지 사이트 개설'
이를 위해 에버퀘스트2의 서버 개편작업과 설문조사가 진행될 예정입니다.
현거래를 원하는 플레이어용 서버와 현거래를 원치않는 플레이어용 서버로 나누는 것 같습니다.
테라노바 필진의 코멘트는 내일 중 오를 것입니다.
아래는 스테이션익스체인지 FAQ입니다. 약관상 저작권은 SOE가 갖되 사용권의 거래, 권리금 수수를 공인하는 것으로 전환한 듯 보입니다.
What is Station Exchange?
Station Exchange is the official Sony Online Entertainment auction service that provides players a secure method of buying and selling the right to use in game coin, items and characters in accordance with SOE’s license agreement, rules and guidelines.
This service provides players a way to take part in this growing secondary market in a more secure manner.
Why are you offering this service?
EverQuest II is a massive game, with much to see and do. Some players want to experience as many different aspects of the game as possible, but may not have enough time to play multiple character types. Other players with the time and skills to devote to the game will find new avenues of reward opening to them within the game.
The secondary market for online games has grown tremendously over the past few years, fueled by games like EverQuest II. More and more of our players take part in non-sanctioned activities, which have lead to a host of problems for our customers, including fraud.
By establishing a legitimate outlet for these activities, SOE will be a leader in determining the future direction and growth for this emerging market. Once again, we at Sony Online Entertainment are blazing a trail for the online gaming genre, just as we did six years ago with EverQuest.
Station Exchange provides players a way to take part in this growing secondary market in a more secure manner.
Since all the Exchange activities take place within SOE’s servers and game worlds, each party is comfortable knowing that he or she will systematically receive his or her side of the transaction.
Station Exchange will initially be rolled out to new EverQuest II servers, after which we will gauge the success of the program and determine whether (and how) to bring these features to other current and future titles. This will also allow us to determine the demand for these activities within our games.
How is this going to work?
Station Exchange allows secure player-to-player transactions of characters, items and coin through SOE’s game servers. When a player opts to sell the use of something within the game, that item is immediately removed from the game world for the duration of the auction and placed in a holding space within an SOE Exchange server.
For the duration of the auction, the item or character cannot be accessed by the listing party. The “seller” will be able to list the item or character on the Station Exchange website, and will be charged a nominal listing fee. SOE’s Exchange server will provide the game community with stats on the item or character that is listed so that potential bidders can see exactly what they will be bidding on.
When an auction is completed, the final bidder will receive a notification that the auction has been completed and that he or she has won the right to use the item or character being bid upon. The buyer will then need to make payment via the credit card on file with the Station Exchange service. Once the Exchange server has completed the transaction with the seller’s PayPal account (minus a percentage of the transaction price), the item or character will be transferred to the buyer’s game account.
Upon logging into the game after payment is made, the winning bidder will find the item attached to an email sent to the in-game mailbox of the avatar he or she selected on the Station Exhange website, or the new character will appear in a character slot.
How will this affect me as a player?
We will be introducing new servers that will be Exchange-enabled. Over time, we will look at possibly enabling Exchange on current servers -- based on the desires and activities of our communities.
Players who wish to join an Exchange server will be given an opportunity to transfer one or more characters to that server, at no charge for the transfer. Once a character is added to or created on an Exchange server it can not be moved to a non-Exchange server. However, if we activate Station Exchange on a previously existing server, players who wish to transfer to a non-Exchange server will also be given an option to transfer their characters off of the Exchange server, at no charge for the transfer.
Will I now own EverQuest II characters, items and/or coin?
No. The User Agreement and Software License, to which you agreed when you installed the game and to which you agree every time you launch the game, makes it clear that you have no ownership rights in characters, items and coin -- what you have is the right to use them in accordance with the license agreement, the rules of conduct of the game, and SOE's terms of service. When SOE launches Station Exchange, SOE will permit you to "sell" and "buy" that right to use characters, items and coin. In "lawyerese," you will be buying and/or selling a limited license right, not an ownership right.
문제의 메이저 퍼블리셔는 '소니 온라인 엔터테인먼트'입니다.
(종래의 현거래 금지 입장에서 180도 전환하였군요. 이는 현거래를 금하던 에버퀘스트1과 달리 스타워즈 갤럭시즈에서 방관적 입장을 취한 것에서 어느 정도 예단되기도 한 것이라는 평이 있기도 합니다. 바틀은 블리자드의 WoW와의 경쟁에서 밀려서 그런 것 아닌가하는 의견을 내고 있습니다만)
'스테이션익스체인지 사이트 개설'
이를 위해 에버퀘스트2의 서버 개편작업과 설문조사가 진행될 예정입니다.
현거래를 원하는 플레이어용 서버와 현거래를 원치않는 플레이어용 서버로 나누는 것 같습니다.
테라노바 필진의 코멘트는 내일 중 오를 것입니다.
아래는 스테이션익스체인지 FAQ입니다. 약관상 저작권은 SOE가 갖되 사용권의 거래, 권리금 수수를 공인하는 것으로 전환한 듯 보입니다.
What is Station Exchange?
Station Exchange is the official Sony Online Entertainment auction service that provides players a secure method of buying and selling the right to use in game coin, items and characters in accordance with SOE’s license agreement, rules and guidelines.
This service provides players a way to take part in this growing secondary market in a more secure manner.
Why are you offering this service?
EverQuest II is a massive game, with much to see and do. Some players want to experience as many different aspects of the game as possible, but may not have enough time to play multiple character types. Other players with the time and skills to devote to the game will find new avenues of reward opening to them within the game.
The secondary market for online games has grown tremendously over the past few years, fueled by games like EverQuest II. More and more of our players take part in non-sanctioned activities, which have lead to a host of problems for our customers, including fraud.
By establishing a legitimate outlet for these activities, SOE will be a leader in determining the future direction and growth for this emerging market. Once again, we at Sony Online Entertainment are blazing a trail for the online gaming genre, just as we did six years ago with EverQuest.
Station Exchange provides players a way to take part in this growing secondary market in a more secure manner.
Since all the Exchange activities take place within SOE’s servers and game worlds, each party is comfortable knowing that he or she will systematically receive his or her side of the transaction.
Station Exchange will initially be rolled out to new EverQuest II servers, after which we will gauge the success of the program and determine whether (and how) to bring these features to other current and future titles. This will also allow us to determine the demand for these activities within our games.
How is this going to work?
Station Exchange allows secure player-to-player transactions of characters, items and coin through SOE’s game servers. When a player opts to sell the use of something within the game, that item is immediately removed from the game world for the duration of the auction and placed in a holding space within an SOE Exchange server.
For the duration of the auction, the item or character cannot be accessed by the listing party. The “seller” will be able to list the item or character on the Station Exchange website, and will be charged a nominal listing fee. SOE’s Exchange server will provide the game community with stats on the item or character that is listed so that potential bidders can see exactly what they will be bidding on.
When an auction is completed, the final bidder will receive a notification that the auction has been completed and that he or she has won the right to use the item or character being bid upon. The buyer will then need to make payment via the credit card on file with the Station Exchange service. Once the Exchange server has completed the transaction with the seller’s PayPal account (minus a percentage of the transaction price), the item or character will be transferred to the buyer’s game account.
Upon logging into the game after payment is made, the winning bidder will find the item attached to an email sent to the in-game mailbox of the avatar he or she selected on the Station Exhange website, or the new character will appear in a character slot.
How will this affect me as a player?
We will be introducing new servers that will be Exchange-enabled. Over time, we will look at possibly enabling Exchange on current servers -- based on the desires and activities of our communities.
Players who wish to join an Exchange server will be given an opportunity to transfer one or more characters to that server, at no charge for the transfer. Once a character is added to or created on an Exchange server it can not be moved to a non-Exchange server. However, if we activate Station Exchange on a previously existing server, players who wish to transfer to a non-Exchange server will also be given an option to transfer their characters off of the Exchange server, at no charge for the transfer.
Will I now own EverQuest II characters, items and/or coin?
No. The User Agreement and Software License, to which you agreed when you installed the game and to which you agree every time you launch the game, makes it clear that you have no ownership rights in characters, items and coin -- what you have is the right to use them in accordance with the license agreement, the rules of conduct of the game, and SOE's terms of service. When SOE launches Station Exchange, SOE will permit you to "sell" and "buy" that right to use characters, items and coin. In "lawyerese," you will be buying and/or selling a limited license right, not an ownership right.
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소니가 게임성도 살리고, 현거래 수수료도 챙기는 두 마리 토끼를 모두 잡을 수 있을 지 흥미롭게 지켜볼 생각입니다. 일단은 에버퀘스트 시리즈가 PVP 중심이 아닌 PVM인 점은 플레이어간 위화감 문제의 면을 얼마간 회피할 수 있다는 점에서 다소 희망적 요소라고 보입니다. 문제는 플레이어간이 아닌 플레이어 스스로의 자기 플레이 성취도의 면에서 어떻게 (서버간, 서버내) 난이도 등을 조율하는가가 아닐까 생각됩니다. |
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그렇군요. Jullian Dibbel의 말로는 작년부터 UO도 사실상 골드나 아이템의 현거래에 대하여 중립의견을 고수하는 불간섭정책을 취하고 있다고 하네요. 어느정도 능력 갖춰진 캐릭터 계정을 UO사이트에서 유상 판매한 것은 그보다 더 오래 전 일이지만은요. | 04-20 m | d |
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다만, 아래 블로그 글을 보니, 이번 선언은 WoW의 성공이 목도되기 전인 작년 6월부터 SOE가 추진하여 온 것 같습니다. http://blog.naver.com/neobuchi.do?Redirect=Log&logNo=40003442686 |
04-20 m | d |