OECD 정보경제 연구단의 광대역 콘텐츠(과학논문지 온라인출판, 온라인게임, 온라인음악) 연구계획서(2004.6.)입니다. 첨부파일의 Annex에는 위 세가지 디지털 콘텐츠 분야의 속성 비교가 실려있습니다.
위 연구단의 온라인게임분야 리포트(2005. 5.)는 레식 교수의 블로그 링크 참조
June 2004
1. The rapid development of high quality always-on broadband Internet services is transforming industries and activities that provide or have the potential to provide digital content. At the same time an expanding set of analytical and policy challenges are being raised. The OECD is undertaking analytical and policy-related work to address these challenges.
2. At its March 2003 meeting the OECD Committee on Information, Computer & Communications Policy (ICCP) adopted two tracks for this work: (a) a Committee statement on promoting broadband development; and (b) new work on digital content. In February 2004 the OECD Council adopted the Recommendation on Broadband Development.
3. In April 2004 the ICCP agreed that the Working Party on the Information Economy (WPIE) would undertake stocktaking studies of sectors where digital content is transforming value chains and business models. The first three sectors selected are (see Annex for more details):
• Scientific and professional publishing,
which is undergoing the shift from traditional paper-based publication to new on-line information exchange and management of information data bases, combined with very high levels of peer-to-peer interaction in the global scientific and professional communities.
• Online computer games,
which is an entirely new economic and leisure activity, typified by high bandwidth requirements, new consumers, new business models, and new payment systems.
• Music,
which is a major established industry with a mix of creative artists and large distributors and established rights management systems which are being transformed by new delivery platforms (including peer-to-peer networks) and hardware (music devices).
4. The analysis of further sectors may follow. 5. An expert panel was held on 3rd June 2004, and a Workshop is planned for early December 200
4. Contact Details: Graham Vickery (OECD) / Sacha Wunsch-Vincent (OECD) Working Party on the Information Economy Email: econtent@oecd.org