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'SIMPLE' Economics of Real-Money Trading Huhh, Jun-Sok (2008). Simple Economics of Real-Money Trading. Available online at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1089307 Working paper라는 말에 걸맞게 지속적인 교정과 발전이 이루어 지고 있는 논문입니다. 3개월이 지난 지금 본문 분량이 처음보다 30% 정도 늘어났습니다. 저는 처음 판에서 제목이 왜 SIMPLE Economic 일까 의아했었는데, 5. 15.자 판에 추가된 5.5 Welfare 편을 읽고나서 저자의 의도를 느낄 수 있었습니다. APPLE, picture from http://flickr.com/photos/niallkennedy/351980851/
Simple Economics of Real-Money Trading Huhh, Jun-Sok (2008). Simple Economics of Real-Money Trading. Unpublished manuscript Available online at: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1089307 Abstract This paper is to provide a theoretical investigation on real-money trading (RMT) observed frequently in online games. To overcome former studies focused much on description itself, economic incentives behind RMT are modeled ..
[051022] Empirical Study on the Decline of Lineage 2 in Korea http://ssrn.com/abstract=833847 Abstract: The purpose of this article is to take empirical tests for presumed causes of Lineage 2's declining trend in Korea. Using time usage data of Lineage 2(L2), Kart Riders(Kart) and World of Worldcraft(WoW) collected from PC-bangs in Korea, we take statistical tests on the rivalry hypothesis among games. Results show that there is no consistent evidence that..
[060831] Game Design, Trading Markets, and Playing Practices - What did Lineage do for enchanting Korean players? Huhh, Jun-Sok and Park, Sang-Woo (2005). Game Design, Trading Markets, and Playing Practices - What did Lineage do for enchanting Korean players?. Unpublished manuscript http://anarinsk.com.ne.kr/data/lineage.pdf
[061104] Castronova : 허준석 - 현금거래와 네트워크 외부성 Castronova, Edward (2006). A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Real-Money Trade in the Products of Synthetic Economies. Available online at: http://ssrn.com/abstract=917124 Economic analysis | Games Abstract from the paper This paper describes a basic supply-demand model for real-money trade (RMT) in the goods produced within synthetic economies, and then applies welfare analysis to the external effects ..