And of course, there is much name-calling from the emulator site operators.
This is something of a contrast with EA, as EA continues to let UO emulator
sites run withut cease and desist letters. Might be an interesting blog entry
I'm not sure what to make of it yet, truth to tell. In general, SOE are
probably making a mountain out of a molehill.
Emulators never seemed to hurt UO; the emulator players never rose much over 1%
of our total sub base when I was at EA and still seems to be less than 1% today,
anecdotally. As long as a site didn't charge a fee or ask for donations, we
didn't much bother them, knowing most would be up for a few months, at most.
Besides, the operators learned, eventually, that many of their 'customers' were
just as fucked up as they were as UO customers and ran away screaming in days or
weeks, not months. See They also learned that this
stuff is, like, HARD.
As far as I know, this is the first time SOE has come down on an emulator/shard
site and I'm not sure what provoked it. Lord knows they have existed almost
since launch; it is easy to get EQ to run on DikuMUDs when you basically rip off
the original, right down to the misspelled commands and responses. What it was
about this particular one that upset them, I don't know. They could have pciked
a time when WoW wasn't eating their lunch, though. Stupid, stupid timing.
As far as reading the tea-leaves: EA's reaction has always been an anomaly, so
I think we'll see more of this worldwide. For example: Emulator sites are a
huge problem in China right now, so the government is actually getting involved
to help shut them down. Free access to an emulator shard kinda whomps on the
Chinese business model.
-Jessica Mulligan
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"범 죄 사 실
피고인은 서울 00구 00동 999-99에서 ‘사이버지존’이라는 상호로 PC방을 운영하던 사람인바, 누구든지 권원없이 다른 사람의 프로그램 저작권을 복제, 개작, 번역, 배포, 발행 및 전송의 방법으로 침해하여서는 아니됨에도 불구하고,
2004. 4. 초순경 위 PC방에서, 피해자인 (주)웹젠이 2002. 7. 15. 프로그램 심의조정위원회에 등록(프로그램 등록번호 2002-01-14-4241호)하고 온라인상에서 서비스를 제공하던 “뮤(3D online game)" 프로그램을 저작권자인(주)웹젠의 사용 승낙없이 무단으로 다운로드받아 그곳에 비치된 공소외 김0진 소유의 컴퓨터 사설 서버에 설치한 다음, 그 시경부터 2004. 5. 24.경까지 위 서버를 운영하면서 그곳 PC방을 방문하는 손님 및 위 서버에 접속하는 불특정 다수의 사람들로 하여금 위 서버에 접속하여 ”뮤“게임을 할 수 있도록 서비스하는 방법으로 전송함으로써 위 회사의 프로그램저작권을 침해하였다."
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