Loser Generated Content: From Participation to Exploitation
by Søren Mørk Petersen
First Monday, Volume 13, Number 3 - 3 March 2008
In this article some of the critical aspects of Web 2.0 are mapped in relation to labor and the production of user generated content. For many years the Internet was considered an apt technology for subversion of capitalism by the Italian post–Marxists. What we have witnessed, however, is that the Internet functions as a double–edged sword; the infrastructure does foster democracy, participation, joy, creativity and sometimes creates zones of piracy. But, at the same time, it has become evident how this same infrastructure also enables companies easily to piggyback on user generated content. Different historical and contemporary examples are provided to map how the architecture of participation sometimes turns into an architecture of exploitation.
관련 참고서적으로는 어슐라 휴스의 '사이버타리아트'가 있습니다.
이에 관한 옛 포스팅은 http://virtuallaw.tistory.com/96 참조하십시오.
웹 플랫폼 위의 UCC뿐만 아니라 MMO 플랫폼의 플레이어에 의한 아이템 발현(선점)행위도 공공적 참여와 자본의 착취(및 파편화)라는 이중성을 띠고 있다고 볼 수 있기에, 아이템 현금거래 시장 및 MMO 플랫폼 규약에 대한 거시적 정책 입안시에 이 점을 염두해 두어야 한다고 생각합니다.