금모래밭 [060308] '06 Second Life 관련 자료 링크 lovol 2008. 1. 11. 20:24 * 'Second Life' Stats Expanded: Early 2006 (by Tony Walsh @Clickable Cutures)http://www.secretlair.com/index.php?/clickableculture/entry/second_life_stats_expanded_early_2006/* Glimps Inside a Metaverse, The Virtual World of Second Life @2006. 3. 1. 구글 토크:http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-5182759758975402950&q=%22second+life%22&pr=goog-sl* Web 3.0 by Cory Ondrejka @the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference 2006http://conferences.oreillynet.com/cs/et2006/view/e_sess/7895 공유하기 게시글 관리 암흑의마법에서정의의칼로 '금모래밭' Related Articles [060519] 린메이트 프로그램(오토) 판매를 처벌한 형사사건의 범죄사실 [060407] 게임산업진흥에관한법률 [060301] Creative Commons와 Online Service Development [060112] L1/ L2 약관무효확인 및 손해배상청구 소송결과 외 [내용수정]