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[PPT] Development rhetoric and development potential of FTAs - Margaret Chon (2006) http://goo.gl/D6nD7 development (by Online Etymology Dictionary) 1756, "an unfolding;" see develop + -ment. Of property, with the sense "bringing out the latent possibilities," from 1885. Meaning "state of economic advancement" is from 1902. property c.1300, "nature, quality," later "possession" (a sense rare before 17c.) ... lit. "special character" (a loan-translation of Gk.idioma), noun of qu..
IP Rights and Technological Platforms - Robert P. Merges Abstract: This paper is about intellectual property rights (IPRs) and platform technologies. After a brief introduction explaining some basics of networks, standards and platforms, I turn to three policy issues. The first is the role of IP in what might be termed platform policies, the decisions by courts and regulators concerning whether and how to promote multi-party access to important digita..
Property is Virtual 월드 오브 워크래프트의 대단한 성공과 세컨드라이프의 광고 세례 속에 서방 세계에서는 예의 property 논의가 거세지고 있습니다. 그것이 제작자측의 Intellectual property 이건, 아니면 플레이어의 virtual property 이건 방향은 달라 보이지만 둘 다 property의 프레임 속의 땅따먹기 놀이처럼 비춰집니다. 아래 링크는 구글 학술검색에서 찾아지는 WoW 와 SL 관련 property 논문들입니다. http://scholar.google.co.kr/scholar?as_q=virtual+property+warcraft+&num=30&btnG=%ED%95%99%EC%88%A0+%EA%B2%80%EC%83%89&as_epq=virtual+property&as_oq=&as_eq=&a..